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Assessing Dyslexia: A Teacher’s Guide to Understanding and Evaluating their Pupils' Needs

$53.63  Paperback
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Gad Elbeheri, Eric Q Tridas

  • Assessing Dyslexia
  • Assessing Dyslexia
    Shows teachers of dyslexic students and struggling readers, how to move from the "wait to fail" model to a test to teach approach.

86 pages
ISBN: 9781032079158

In today’s schools, teachers must screen and monitor for academic difficulties and are expected to use assessments to guide their instruction. Understanding the assessment of students with dyslexia gives teachers the knowledge to identify which skills need remediation, and the students’ strengths that can help them overcome their challenges. Assessing Dyslexia provides teachers with answers to questions they often have about assessment and is applicable not only to students with dyslexia but to all who struggle with reading.

Written in accessible terms throughout, this book offers information on understanding and interpreting psychoeducational reports and approaches on how to better communicate with parents and students regarding this process. By demonstrating how to use testing to guide their teaching, this book describes the why, how and what of assessment and promotes the self-sufficiency of teachers by providing them with a clear rationale for why particular instructional strategies should be used.

With encouragement for teachers to reflect on assessment critically and resources to expand their skill knowledge, this book provides a clear path to enhancing teachers’ practice and improving their pupils’ attainment. Assessing Dyslexia serves as a suitable reading for all teachers and represents a move from the 'wait to fail' model to a test to teach approach, addressing the questions and anxieties of today’s teachers.

Table of Contents


Chapter One: The Nature of the Dyslexia Assessment

  • Introduction & Definition
  • Dyslexia: Prevalence & Signs
  • Importance of Dyslexia Assessment
  • Fundamentals of Dyslexia Assessment:
  • Types of Dyslexia Assessment
  • Purpose of Dyslexia Assessment

Chapter Two: The LEFT Model: A Process for Dyslexia Assessment

  • Components of Dyslexia Assessment
  • The Rule of Fours
  • The LEFT Model

Chapter Three: Listen

  • The Educational History
  • Behaviour and Emotional Regulation
  • Health
  • Environment

Chapter Four: Evaluate - Teacher Assessment of Language & Literacy

  • Checklists for Teachers
  • Screening Tools for Teachers Error Analysis Progress Monitoring & RTI Behavioural Observations Chapter Five: Evaluate -Understanding a Psycho-educational Evaluation Report
  • Test Types Interpreting Test Results Chapter Six: Formulation: Putting it Altogether
  • Formulation Structure: The Rule of Fours Cognitive & Processing Skills Academic Achievement Attention & Executive Functions Behavioural & Emotional Factors Health & Family Medical History Factors Social & Environmental Factors Chapter Seven: Teach & Treat
  • Teach
  • Remediation The Science of Reading: Structured Literacy Assessment: Diagnostic Teaching Accommodation Treat Chapter Eight: Useful Resources
